Education App

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Introducing the Pando Education App:

The idea for the Pando Education App originated from a course ​prompt and the desire for music and encore teachers to have a ​simple way to raise funds for their classrooms. Designed to ​provide a platform for orchestra/band teachers to sell products, ​the app aims to help raise money for music and other classroom ​necessities. Research revealed that although products such as ​Clever and BookBag schools exist, there is a gap in the market for ​an all-in-one education app tailored specifically to the needs of ​teachers.

Check out my Low-Fidelity Prototype

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Drop Shadow

Education App

My Role:

I was the sole ideator, researcher, architect, and designer for this app.

Target Audience:

I identified 5 possible audiences for app.

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Extended family members
  • School Adminstrators

User Journeys:

Takeaways from the Parents:

  • Frustrations:
    • discovering concert dates
    • discovering other orchestra opportunities
    • supporting the orchestra program
    • overwhelming amount of emails regarding opportunities, ​concerts, and fundraising

Takeaways from the Orchestra Teachers:

  • Frustrations:
    • Takes a lot of extra work and time to...
      • send a plethora of emails on concerts, opportunities, and ​fundraising
      • organize fundraisers and run
    • The cashless system causes issues...
      • Providing students with quick need items
      • Teacher price for items in small quantities are going up
      • Students are purchasing the wrong supplies for ​instruments.



Education App

Information Architecture

Paper Wireframe

Figma Wireframe

Initial Concepts:

Originally, my idea was to develop a basic app centered around selling ​reeds and rosin for band and orchestra students.

During a conversation with an orchestra teacher, she questioned why these ​essential items couldn't just be integrated into her website. This raised the ​question: What are the advantages of a teacher-specific app versus a ​teacher's website?

While the primary reason was a class assignment, I was intrigued by the ​potential benefits of a website versus an app.

After surveying my students, it was evident that 80% preferred using their ​phones for various tasks like checking schedules, verifying assignments, ​and making purchases. One student expressed, "Websites are inconvenient ​on phones, so I avoid them." The feedback from adults on accessing their ​children's information also leaned heavily towards mobile devices.

This feedback prompted the app's transformation from a simple ​purchasing platform to addressing issues faced by parents and teachers. ​Ultimately, the goal became customizing the app for each teacher, allowing ​them to integrate or replace their teacher websites.

High - Fi

Click on the images to interact ​with my figma high-fi design.

Check out the Fundraising ​page, calendar, and pretent to ​purchase cello strings.

Click Here Element 10

Challenges Faced or Constraints:

This is my very first offical UX project. Of course I encountered ​difficulties in creating. Learning all the nuances of Figma and ​understanding the differneces between it and the basic free ​design software I was accustomed to.

My primary challenge arose from conducting user studies for ​the project. While the course mainly discussed large-scale paid ​studies, my limited budget as a teacher led me to seek ​feedback from friends and colleagues within my network. ​Fortunately, one of my close friends, who happened to be an ​orchestra teacher, provided me with a valuable critique and key ​assistance. Reflecting on this experience, I appreciate how it ​boosted my confidence in conducting research for my website.

Next Steps:

In the future, I plan to make adjustments to the UI. I have ​discovered more innovative techniques for utilizing ​Figma and aim to enhance all pages with updated UI ​methods. Additionally, I am curious about the ​implications of the recent changes in Figma.

I am also interested in exploring the inclusion of more ​accessibility features like language adaptation, speech-​to-text or text-to-speech capabilities, and verbal ​picture descriptions.

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